Business Travel Reporting And Analytics | Click Travel
Reporting and Analytics2022-01-21T10:13:27+00:00

Reporting and Analytics

Gain access to real-time data on your travel management programme using our online suite of management reporting, live and available 24/7, 365 days a year.

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Get the insights you need, at a glance, with our reporting dashboard

The reporting dashboard puts your booking and spending trends front and centre, so you can get a snapshot of your key data without having to generate full reports each time.

The visual interface shows monthly bookings, totals spent, compliant v non-compliant booking percentages, online v offline booking percentages, and much more.

Your booking data, costs and trends can be seen anywhere too… we’ve got you covered on desktop, mobile and tablet. With a super smooth dashboard that works on all devices, accessing your data has never been easier.

Custom Reporting

Build custom reports and gain real insight into what matters most to your organisation.

Browse and download reports from your report archive, run reports over an ad-hoc date range and manage automatic report schedules at your leisure.

Bespoke Savings Analysis

Your account manager will provide detailed travel analytics in your quarterly review packs. This will enable you to see ‘the big picture’ when it comes to how your business travels, as well as allowing you to zoom in and focus in on specific areas – it’s a useful, practical way of visualising trends in your business travel that can inform your travel programme going forward.

redbull“The ability to get hold of key metrics and performance data, including cost breakdowns and analysis was a must for Red Bull, and it was something that Click provided immediately”

David Oliver, Procurement Manager

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Spend v fees

Savings recommendations

Air total spend

Hotel total nights

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Online adoption

Summary by travel type

Trains average rates

Hotel top 3 locations

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Policy compliance

Key findings and suggestions

Trains ticket type split

Hotel total spend

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• Spend v fees
• Online adoption
• Policy compliance

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• Savings recommendations
• Summary by travel type
• Key findings and suggestions

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• Air total spend
• Trains average rates
• Trains ticket type split

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• Hotel total nights
• Hotel top 3 locations
• Hotel total spend

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Traveller tracking

Traveller Tracking

Our innovative online traveller tracking service allows our customers to search through all of their bookings in one go, whenever they need to. You can search for travellers/bookings using a number of different criteria and get an up-to-date report of where your people are, and contact them instantly.

Ready to revolutionise your business travel experience?

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Book a demo to see how smooth business travel booking and management can be.

Practical advice for getting a handle on your business travel analytics and data

Read more from our travel blog

Find out why Arqiva's Senior Category Manager says that working with Click Travel on reporting and management information has enabled them to "make better buying decisions."

See how enterprise companies have saved money with us

Find out British Heart Foundation saw £50k of savings on their annual travel spend and achieved 98% online adoption by working with Click Travel.

See how enterprise companies have saved money with us